Are Futons Comfortable? How to Make a Futon More Comfortable - DynastyMattress

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Are Futons Comfortable? How to Make a Futon More Comfortable

Thomas Nguyen

Are Futons Comfortable? How to Make a Futon More Comfortable

For some people, the word “futon” conjures up images of an uncomfortable piece of furniture that is best avoided. Others swear that futons are as comfortable as any other bed/couch they've used. So, which is true? Are futons really comfortable? That's what you'll find out in this article. By the end, you'll know much more about futons, whether they're comfortable, and how to make them as comfortable as possible.


What Are Futons?

A futon is a couch that doubles as a bed, and vice versa. The frame is typically made of wood and the mattress is often filled with cotton batting. Futons are popular among college students and young adults because they are inexpensive and take up little space. 


Futons originated in Japan, where they are also known as "shikibuton," the Japanese word for cushion. They were an economical alternative to expensive wooden beds and tatami mats (which are like padded floor mats).


Are Futons Comfortable?

Futons are popular because they are more affordable than a traditional bed. And many find that they are indeed comfortable. However, others find that futons are not as comfortable as they would like.


It's important to know that futon manufacturers make their products differently. So, there will be some variation in futon materials and construction across the board. Also, everyone's body is different, requiring different levels of support and cushion to feel comfortable.


 So, "Are futons comfortable?" It depends on the futon and the person.


How to Make a Futon More Comfortable: 7 Easy Ways


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Do you already have an uncomfortable futon at home? That's a real drag. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your futon more comfortable and get better quality sleep. Check out our tips below.


Put comforters on top of it.

Piling on the comforters will make any hard futon feel softer. You can use any comforters you have on hand, but it's best if they're close to the same size as your futon. That way, they will fit well without bunching up. The fluffier the comforters, the better!


Make sure that it is lined up with the frame.

This tip may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how many people don't do this. If your futon is not lined up with the frame, it will be uncomfortable for lounging, much less sleeping. The futon mattress should be flush with the edge so there are no gaps in between.


Get a memory foam topper.

A memory foam topper can make a world of difference when it comes to comfort. It will add an extra layer of cushioning and support to your futon. 


High quality gel memory foam toppers feature cooling gel, corner straps, and a cover. Here are a couple of the best on the market: 


Reinforce the slats the futon sits on top of

If your futon is uncomfortable because it's lumpy or sunken in, you can try reinforcing the slats. All you need to do is put strips of plywood or particle board under the existing slats. You can find these materials at any hardware store.


Place a featherbed on top of it.

A featherbed is a soft, fluffy mattress topper that will make your futon much more comfortable. You can find featherbeds online or at your local home goods store. This remedy is quick and easy because all you have to do is place the featherbed on top of your futon.


Use an air mattress for more firmness.

For futons that are too soft, try placing an air mattress on top of it. You'll instantly have a firmer, more supportive surface for more restful sleep. Just make sure that the air mattress is similar in size to your futon and that you inflate it to a comfortable level.


Put pillows on any areas that are too hard.

If there are any areas of your futon that feel too hard, you can try placing pillows on top of them. Doing so will cushion those areas for a more comfortable sleeping experience. Get creative with any pillows you have on hand. You can then put a fitted sheet over the futon to keep everything in place.


The Benefits of Futons

Now that you know how to make your futon comfortable, let's get into some of the general benefits of futons. If you haven't yet decided whether a futon is for you, reviewing these pros will help you with your decision:

  • Unlike traditional mattresses and box springs, futons can be used as either a sofa or a bed, depending on your needs at the moment.
  • They are relatively inexpensive, making them a popular choice for college students and budget-minded homeowners.
  • They are available in a variety of styles, from traditional Japanese-style futons to modern futon beds.

Whether you need a place to sleep or an extra seat for guests, a futon can be a versatile and affordable solution.


The Drawbacks of Futons

After reading the pros, it can seem like futons are a dream. However, they've got a few drawbacks you should consider before making a purchase. Here they are:

  • Often, futons are not very comfortable to sit or sleep on for extended periods of time.
  • Some futons lack durability and can easily be damaged. It's normal for futon frames to become wobbly over time.

Ultimately, futons may be an economical choice, but they are not always the most comfortable or durable option.


Should You Get a Futon?


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The answer to this question depends on your needs and preferences. If you're looking for a piece of furniture that is versatile and inexpensive, a futon may be a good option for you. And if you're willing to put in a little work, you can use the tips above to make your futon as comfortable as possible. 


However, if you're looking for something that is incredibly comfortable and durable, a pull out couch may be more your speed. It’s a couch that has a real foldable mattress and bed frame inside. It often comes with a standard mattress that isn’t too comfortable - feel free to swap that one out for a high-quality gel memory foam mattress. We hope that this article was helpful to you, and we wish you the best of luck in finding the best bedding solution for your needs.


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