Enhancing Your Toddler’s Sleep Quality - DynastyMattress

Enhancing Your Toddler’s Sleep Quality

Andrea Reyes

Everyone loves babies, right? They’re just tiny, cute humans until it’s time to go to sleep. That’s when a toddler can turn into a real nightmare. If you’re wondering how to improve baby sleep quality, you’re not alone. There’s nothing more peaceful and sweet than watching your newborn toddler snore the night away, and we want to help you experience it. Let’s discuss some effective tips and strategies that can help you enhance your baby’s sleep quality!

Understand Their Rhythm

During the first few months of their lives, it’s important to understand your toddler’s sleep rhythm; this is simply their unique pattern of resting. Newborns typically sleep for more than 16 hours a day, often in chunks of several hours at a time. These patterns may be irregular at first since they’re just developing. However, as the baby matures, you’ll notice a more consistent sleep schedule starting to emerge.

At some point during every baby's first year of life (keep in mind that each toddler will be different), they start sleeping for about 10 hours at a time each night! The reason that sleep habits are so irregular in early childhood is because the baby’s body is fighting between its need for sleep vs food. When it chooses food, that’s when they wake up and you hear them cry.

Simply understanding this rhythm can help you use it to your advantage! If your toddler is only three to six months old and keeps waking up every few hours, don’t let that get you worried! Realize that they’re in an early stage of sleep development, and all they really need right now is some food and attention. Start taking note of your child’s individual sleep cadence, and start using it to your advantage.

Encouraging Good Sleep Habits

Our next branch of advice to help enhance your toddler’s sleep quality is actually a set of universal best-practices. By following these tips, you can optimize your baby’s environment and give them the best odds of sleeping peacefully.

Following a Routine

The first - and arguably most important - guideline to implement with your toddler is a consistent, calming bedtime routine. Overstimulation in the late hours can make it harder for your toddler to fall asleep. Before their bedtime, try engaging them with relaxing activities, such as:

  • bathing
  • cuddling
  • singing
  • reading
  • playing quiet music

No matter what it is, make sure you structure it with a clearly defined end point of you leaving the room. Start these activities before your baby is overtired in a quiet, softly lit room.

Go To Bed Drowsy - But Awake

The optimal moment to put your baby in bed is when you notice them feeling drowsy, but still awake. By doing this, you help your toddler start associating their bed environment with the actual process of falling asleep. As subtle as this might seem, it’s been proven in countless studies that associative learning is highly effective in babies. Over time, they’ll naturally start drowsing off once they’re in their crib.

Get a Crib Mattress

The final tip we’ll share with you to help elevate your toddler’s sleep quality is to get them a dedicated crib mattress. These are specially-designed sleep products that uniquely cater to the needs of a baby, and they offer a slew of benefits.

  • Unparalleled comfort

The primary advantage that your child will immediately start enjoying is comfort like never before. For instance, consider our gel memory foam crib mattress here at Dynasty Mattress. It combines the cutting edge breathability and cooling of gel-based foam with the softness of memory. With a bed so comfy, there’s no doubt your toddler will wake up refreshed and recharged every single day.

  • Stability and support

The next core benefit that gel-based crib mattresses offer is stability and support for your baby’s body. Just like adults, an unnatural sleeping position can lead to sleepless nights and achy mornings for babies as well. However, with a high-quality mattress that’s based in memory foam technology, your toddler will enjoy maximal support for their back and neck.

Wrapping Up

Toddler’s spend more time sleeping than we do — don’t they deserve the best mattresses just like us? That’s why our team at Dynasty Mattress is committed to offering best-in-class sleep products - including gel-foam crib mattresses - at prices that can meet any budget.

Let’s reshape sleep together.

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