Move Your Mattress Like a Pro: A Comprehensive Guide
Guide for How to Move a Mattress
If you’ve got a good mattress, we’ll bet you don’t want to leave it behind on moving day. But how exactly are you supposed to move your mattress and protect it on the way to your new home? Thankfully, you don’t have to wonder any longer. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to move a mattress from Point A to Point B the right way. We’ll also give you some helpful tips on how to protect your mattress when moving. Let’s get right into it!
Gather Your Supplies
As much as you might want to move the mattress as is, that’s not the best thing for your mattress. You’ll have to do a few things prior to moving it, and the first step in that regard will be to get your hands on the right supplies. Here are a few things you can’t move forward without:
- Mattress Bag or Painter’s Plastic - You’ll use either of these to protect your mattress as you’re moving it around or in the event you place it into storage. If you choose painter’s plastic, you’ll have to do a little more work than you would if you opt for a mattress bag (more on that later).
Prepare Your Mattress
Once you’ve got all of your materials on hand, you’re ready to prepare your mattress for the moving process. Here are some steps you should follow to start things off right:
- Stand your mattress up and lean it against a wall.
- Wrap your mattress in the painter’s plastic or pull the mattress bag over the entire mattress. If you want to be extra careful, you can even use shrink wrap or plastic wrap to reinforce everything.
- Fold any excess plastic over the mattress and tape it down. Be liberal with the tape - you don’t want any dirt, debris, or moisture to come in contact with your mattress as you move it around or store it.
- Put some thick blankets, quilts, or comforters under the mattress. You’ll use these later to move the mattress around without injuring your back.
To get your mattress down to an even smaller size, you can vacuum seal it - read this article to find out how to do it step by step.
You now know how to protect a mattress when moving. Move on to the next step.
Plan Your Route
Before you move your mattress anywhere, you need to know where the mattress needs to go and how to get it there safely. This doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but be sure to make a mental note of the route.
Clear a Path
You’ve got your route planned out, and now it’s time to clear a path. This could take as little as a few seconds or as long as an hour or more. The amount of space you need to clear out will depend on how tall and thick your mattress is and how cluttered the space is. Take as much time as you need so you won’t end up falling and injuring yourself or damaging any property.
This step also includes clearing out space in the vehicle you’ll be using to transport the mattress. You may find that you need to flip down seats or remove them entirely. Also, open up the doors to the vehicle. You don’t want to have to stop and do any of these things later while you’re holding up a mattress.
Move the Mattress
It’s crucial to know that moving a mattress is a two-person job. The weight and size of the average mattress pose a threat of injury. So, ask a friend or family member to help you with this step.
Here’s how to move the mattress quickly and safely:
- Turn the mattress onto its side so that there are several feet of fabric on each side of the mattress. That fabric is what you’ll use to lift or slide the mattress from one place to another.
- Use the covers or blankets to maneuver the mattress - one person should be on each side of the mattress. Most might find that it’s easier to slide a mattress than lift it, but if you have a high pile carpet, you might find that lifting the mattress is best. Use your judgement. If you have access to a dolly, you can load the mattress onto the dolly and move it through the space as needed. Just know that you can’t use a dolly to move a mattress down flights of stairs. The wheels present a slipping risk which could prove dangerous for you.
- Take your time and be careful of turns. If you’re moving a mattress from a small place with tiny rooms and narrow hallways, be extra careful. It’s easy to fall while moving a mattress around.
- Place the mattress in your moving van or truck. If you have the space, place the mattress upright and secure it to any support rails with ratchet straps or rope. You don’t want the mattress flopping about during your ride. To reduce the risk of damage to your mattress during transport, drive slower than you normally would and try not to make any sudden stops. And if you’re particularly worried about the mattress, you can always pull over and check to ensure that all is well.
- Take extra precautions for extended storage. If you’ll be putting your mattress in extended storage, we urge you not to store it upright. Doing so will cause the mattress to wear out prematurely and lose its shape. Store the mattress flat with nothing on top of it. We also suggest that you keep it off the floor of the storage unit. Instead, place it on top of other furniture you’re storing - just ensure that the furniture is flat, so the mattress won’t fall off of it or take on an odd shape.
Can You Bend a Mattress to Move it?
For innerspring mattresses or hybrid mattresses with metal components, bending is always discouraged. Though it would save you some space in your moving truck, it could severely damage the mattress’s structure. After bending up your mattress, you may realize that it doesn’t bounce back as it used to. There could also be obvious signs of damage, like dents and imperfections. The same precaution applies to rolling up your mattress for an extended amount of time.
For those who have foam or latex mattresses, you can definitely fold or roll them up to move them. We recommend doing so if you are short on space or would find it easier to move a mattress in that manner. Just ensure that you don’t leave the mattress in a folded or rolled-up state for too long. Within a few weeks, unfold or unroll the mattress and allow it some time to regain its shape. And know that even when you take the precautions above, you might just find out that your mattress has changed. But in most cases, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Note: The thickness of your mattress plays a role in whether you should fold it at all. Thicker mattresses have a higher chance of becoming damaged after such manipulation. A mattress that’s less than 6 inches thick shouldn’t have any issues being folded or rolled up for 2 to 3 weeks. But if your mattress is over 6 inches thick, avoid folding or rolling it. There’s a high risk of damage if you do so.
Should You Use a Mattress Bag?
Many home improvement retailers will tell you to use a mattress bag to move your mattress. And if you have access to one that’s the same size as your mattress, there’s no harm in using one. But if you don’t have a mattress bag, it’s not the end of the world.
Wrapping your mattress up using alternative methods (painter’s plastic, plastic wrap, etc.) will take some patience and attention to detail. And this applies specifically to situations where you’ll be storing your mattress for a long time period. Ensure that the mattress is double or triple-wrapped in its entirety. No part of the mattress should be uncovered. And use tape to reinforce everything - be very thorough.
Can You Attach a Mattress to the Exterior of a Car?
We’re sure you’ve seen someone secure their mattress to the top of their car or truck for transport. If you want to do that instead of using a moving truck, it’s an option to consider. Just know that if you choose to expose the mattress to the outside elements and you haven’t wrapped it well (with no tears or holes in the plastic), the mattress can become damaged. Conversely, if you’ve done a good job during the wrapping process, you can take this route.
Mattresses have fallen off of cars before, and it’s always because they’re not secured correctly. So, be sure to always secure the mattress flat around the front, middle, and back with rope or ratchet straps. Don’t think that securing the mattress only in the middle will do.
What if You Damage the Mattress While Moving It?
Oftentimes, a manufacturer’s warranty only covers defects in manufacturing. It doesn’t usually cover accidental damage to the mattress. So, it’s best to do everything you can to prevent damage to the mattress at every turn, as you might not be able to use your warranty for moving damages.
So, there you have it, everything you need to know about moving a mattress. We hope you found all the information you needed to make the moving process go a bit smoother. We wish you the best of luck with your move!
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