How The Right Pillow Can Help You - DynastyMattress

How The Right Pillow Can Help You

Thomas Nguyen


When it comes to setting up our bedroom, we all want to maximize comfort. We want to pick the perfect components that come together to create the optimal sleeping experience. One of those components is your pillow. Choosing the right pillow for your sleep needs is a time-consuming process that requires research and constant effort.

We’re here to make it easier for you! Let’s break down the different types of pillows, as well as their key benefits, to better understand how the perfect pillow can help you.

Down Pillows

The first category we’ll look at are down pillows, traditionally made out of fibers taken from duck and goose underbellies. Down is a luxurious material that’s known as a warm and cozy option for the bedroom. However, keep in mind that these pillows aren’t as supportive as some of the other types we’ll get into, such as memory foam and latex.

Sometimes, down pillows are blended with other feathers. One thing to keep in mind when purchasing a down pillow is the down to feather (D-F) ratio . A pillow with 10% down to 90% feathers will be considerably fluffier than one with a 40% to 60% D-F ratio. Use the D-F ratio to gauge how soft and light your pillow will be. It’s also important to find a down pillow that’s ethically sourced and produced. Since the materials used in these pillows are taken from animals, many companies resort to unethical practices to gather them. One way to make sure that your pillow is ethically made is to check if it is certified by the Responsible Down Standard.

Latex Pillows

The next type of pillow we’ll look at is the latex pillow. These products are made from a soft, all-natural material called latex. Natural latex is made from the sap of the rubber tree, and it’s generally harvested using sustainable methods and means. However, some products are made from synthetic latex, which is a man-made alternative to the all-natural. Synthetic-based pillows are typically not as durable as natural ones, so keep that in mind when making a decision.

Otherwise, natural latex pillows tend to be a durable choice. They’re also known to be softer than other choices, such as memory foam and down pillows. Finally, latex pillows are dust mite resistant. This means you can rest easy knowing you’re not at risk of allergens and irritants entering your respiratory system and disrupting your sleep.

Gel Memory Foam Pillows

The final category of pillows that we’ll consider are made from gel memory foam. As a derivative of conventional memory foam, gel-based foam pillows are also made from the same basic material: polyurethane. This is a form of plastic that has a diverse set of applications across many industries, but is uniquely popular in sleep products.


The key difference between typical memory foam and gel-based products is a type of cooling technology infused with the material. Through a layer of reactive gel beads, these pillows are able to regulate their temperature throughout the night to keep your head and pillow refreshingly cool. This feature can be particularly beneficial to those who find themselves constantly flipping their pillows to feel the cold side. Gel-based foam is always working to keep it cold so that you don’t have to.


Beyond their breathability, gel memory foam pillows offer excellent orthopedic features. Since the material can adapt to the pressure being applied on it - which in this case is your neck and body - gel-based pillows can retain your bodily contour to provide optimal support levels while you sleep.

Pressure Relief

Another benefit of gel memory foam pillows is their ability to offer pressure relief via spinal alignment. If you’re someone that suffers from acute pressure points in their neck, or you just have a hard time finding the perfect position, then these pillows are designed for you! The memory foam technology customizes its shape to give you pressure relief while you sleep. Similarly, since your neck is in good support, your spine can follow suit and maintain ideal shape throughout the night.

Wrapping Up

If you’re on the market for a new pillow of your own, consider all your options! Each type of pillow we’ve looked at today satisfies its own set of sleep needs. While down-based pillows offer unparalleled softness, latex options are naturally hypoallergenic. With breathable comfort and supportive technology, you can sleep peacefully on a gel-based pillow.

That’s why our team at Dynasty Mattress wanted to design the best gel foam pillows: the highest quality for the best value. Gel memory foam brings a little bit of everything to the table, so check out our line of gel pillows and create an exceptional sleep experience for yourself.

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